My ideal job would be a designer famous of educational materials throughout the world and known for my creativity and style. Besides having the opportunity to travel around the world to learn about different cultures and ways of thinking, for that I can create materials in all languages and contexts.

To make this work I need to have a great creativity and manual skills to create and produce innovative and authentic. The most important thing is to have financial support, to create my own company and sell my products with my brand.

Among the products that I sell are the books, they will be interactive so that children can manipulate with different textures and materials, these are intended for children from birth to 42 days.

I would be good at this job, because it would be something I like, I made lifelong manual things, my family and loved ones I've always made the gift, is something that I love and that gives me life. Furthermore, it is not an opposite to my career working as a complement. This will allow me to develop my skills to the maximum, because if I think I can make it so.

The most difficult to find this work to find someone who would finance me, what came after would depend directly on my motivation and inspiration.

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