My experience as a Blogger in english course

I enjoy, because it allowed me to practice my grammar, writing and vocabulary. Although often not wise to write, because the topics are repeated, had much connection with my previous publications. Because of my other academic subjects, I had to write and build ideas fast, without much dedication, but still, I managed to do all my publications on time. For me, this blog is something new, having never before had done, and less in English. It was a new experience.

This strategy has helped me improve my English, because I had to write on various topics, directly related to my career and my life. I remember the topic of blog I like most was the task 8: Sir Ken Robinson's talk "Do Schools Kill Creativity?, The man is a very interesting, because it suggests that the issue in his lecture on creativity, allow me to realize that the reality we live in other countries is not foreign to us.

I was weak in the blog in terms of vocabulary, because I use a lot to the dictionary. Depended on the dictionary to translate the words I did not know.

Now I will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of blog in English class. The advantages are: practice in writing and drafting of the proposed topics, as it is not just writing for writing, one must think and respond to the topics. Furthermore, to be think in English, with simple language to express views in a precise way, point that I was difficult to develop. Another advantage is the continuity, since it is an activity that takes place once a week, allowing progress in writing in the blog. As for the disadvantages: the choice of subjects, which sometimes resembled the proposed topics and should be repeated views and thoughts on any topic.

My ideal job would be a designer famous of educational materials throughout the world and known for my creativity and style. Besides having the opportunity to travel around the world to learn about different cultures and ways of thinking, for that I can create materials in all languages and contexts.

To make this work I need to have a great creativity and manual skills to create and produce innovative and authentic. The most important thing is to have financial support, to create my own company and sell my products with my brand.

Among the products that I sell are the books, they will be interactive so that children can manipulate with different textures and materials, these are intended for children from birth to 42 days.

I would be good at this job, because it would be something I like, I made lifelong manual things, my family and loved ones I've always made the gift, is something that I love and that gives me life. Furthermore, it is not an opposite to my career working as a complement. This will allow me to develop my skills to the maximum, because if I think I can make it so.

The most difficult to find this work to find someone who would finance me, what came after would depend directly on my motivation and inspiration.

My favourite subject

My preferred subject in this semester is math, teacher is Sonia Lastra, MA in Education. On this subject we teach mathematics in a manner different from usual.

She has taught us to give answers to these four questions: What is mathematics? What is learning mathematics? How to teach thinking mathematically? And What types of learning to use?. In order that we can get into the world of mathematics and leave behind statements such as: "I'm no good at math", "Not understand"
"It's only for smart people". I have learned this semester to analyze and reflect on what mathematics has meaning in our lives, and how important it is in the lives of our students.

the teacher has also taught us to use teaching materials for students to learn mathematics by manipulating materials. classes are not only orally, practices are also.

must teach our students that mathematics is useful in everyday life, are an aid to solve everyday problems, not a problem for life.

Do Schools Kill Creativity?

I found this conference very interesting and fun, as Sir Ken Robinson is a very fun way to give his presentation on the topic "Do Schools Kill Creativity?".

The stresses that children have a tremendous talent, and we waste it ruthlessly, because it does not consider that creativity is as important as literacy. Furthermore, he stressed that when small children are not afraid to make mistakes, but the stigma education system error, so the adults become fearful, afraid to make mistakes.

Stresses that all the educational systems of the land choose their subjects hierarchically in the same way, placing first in mathematics, languages and humanities, and secondly, with minor arts.

It educates children to educate professionals, away from things like that because they will not work. This is also a reality that we live in our country, which stigmatizes people who study art professionally, as well as to those studying education. Since races are rated poorly.

Sir Ken Robinson, noted that today, many professionals are out of work, as before, the professionals who were not employed did not want to work today, have a professional degree is not sufficient, because today you need to have a graduate or postgraduate students to get a good job. This shows that the structure of education is changing, and we must change with it and do not keep old concepts that do not suit our new society.

my ideal future

Me in five years but not be in Chile, I will be traveling the world with my boyfriend. Seeking new ways of life.

As a professional, you have just received my postgraduate study in the process of my second career, which is psychology, this will allow me to expand my resume and perfection as professional and as a person. You will also have my own brand of educational products, created and designed by me. These allow students to learn with fun and practical material matters more complicated. It will also have special products for infants and preschoolers. These products should be available to all children and parents from all economic strata. And participating in projects that will allow me to finance them and to reach all children equally. Rescue during my travels in the world, experiences allow me to develop and expand my professional horizons.

As to staff, not being married, and still not be in my plans, it will be after the age of 30. Like being a mother. Now I want to maximize my professional stage. Be living with my boyfriend in a house designed and decorated by both, as we want to paint the walls of the house with innovative designs and unique addition to the furniture.

The best in my area is Jerome Bruner

In my opinion the best in my area is Jerome Bruner, who impulse the cognitive psychology, whit his cognitive theory of discovery, developing the idea “scaffolding”. Raises the “Theory of categorization”, activity that has a rule essential throughout the learning process, being the condition indispensable to learn an significant information, is to have the personal experience of discovery.

Students represent the contents second different categories or forms: enacted (in act) through a series of motor operations or actions appropriate to achieve a result; iconic are mental images or graphics without movement, based on data perceived or imagined representing a concept without defining fully; and finally symbolic through a series of logical propositions derived from a system governed by rules or laws to transform the propositions.

Suggest that the teachers should vary their methodological strategy according to the state of evolution and development of the students. Therefore, new materials should teach first through action and then move through the iconic level, each at the right time development of student, and thus able to address the symbolic level.

"Any subject can be taught effectively in some intellectual honestly to any child at any stage of its development"

I like the guides because I am in my career, offers theories that enable us to understand how students learn, provides strategies to support learning, which should take an active and constructive, for discovery, it is crucial that students learn learn. The teacher acts as guide and student until the student can act with greater independence and autonomy.

My career "Early Education and Initial Basic"

I study Early Education and Initial Basic, I worry about the problems of quality and equity that the educational system faces in our country. The education in Chile is not equal for everyone, it is segmented by economic sectors, the money track type of education that you can give to children.

Among the professionals in my area that contribute to society, is Monica Manhey, who is teacher in preschool, did a Master`s degree in Early Education at UMCE, and is a specialist in curriculum and evaluation. She has participated in many publications at the Ministry of Education, highlighting her participation in the preparing the “Bases of curriculum in early education” which is the curriculum framework, that guides the process of teachers in Chile. Also, she is my teacher of “Atmosphere Building” in University of the Chile. This is also my favourite subject.

We, as educators, must guarantee quality learning among student, facilitating significant and motivating learning that stimulate our process of education.

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